House Of Light Medical Ministries

House Of Light
Medical Ministries

House Of Light
Medical Ministries


To reflect the loving heart of our Lord through compassion, mercy and justice. We want all people to meet God here regardless of their background, gender, social status or religious beliefs. As servants of the King we desire our eyes to reflect his heart, the touch of our hands to reflect his gentleness, our ears to be attentive and our mouths to express words of care so that everyone who comes can receive physical, spiritual and mental healing from Him. Ultimately all we aim to do is bring honour and splendor to our King Jesus Christ.

That they may see and know, may consider and understand together, that the hand of the Lord has done this; the Holy One of Israel has created it. Isaiah 41:20


The work we currently do apart from the clinic is:

• General consultations.
• The Simple Health Care teaching which is being taught in surrounding villages, clinics and schools.
• The Introduction To Primary Health Care School
• Prenatal visits, delivery and wellness check ups with mothers and infants.
• We are involved with local and regional governments and attend their meetings and are working in collaboration with the surrounding villages.
• Counseling
• HIV/AIDS tests and treatments
• A 3-month malaria training program that teaches people how to identify and treat malaria properly.


The clinic first began in small hospitality room and at that time we were only seeing our school children but word soon began to spread and many of our neighbours from the villages around began to visit. We began to receive many people and provide basic medical care ranging from wound care, malaria treatment/prevention, GI complications and the best part, delivering new babies. In the year 2011 the Lord moved on the hearts of people in Kona, Hawaii to come and complete their practical phase of the IPHC (introduction to Primary Healthcare) school. During that time the Lord really opened up the door for many things. We were able to establish more relationships within the area that included meeting government officials, and visiting many local villages during mobile clinic days. That was a time of great exposure for the medical ministries.

After that time was a time of great growth in the areas that God was opening up for us. Those things included growing the area of healthcare for women and children with prenatal visits, vaccination days and delivering babies. There was the establishment of mobile clinics in which we visit local villages to teach and give basic healthcare.

It didn’t take long before our clinic outgrew the small hospitality room we were in. It was then we remodeled some rooms at the end of a bigger building on campus and it still serves as our current location.


We have faith that as God continues to provide there will be a complete clinic and hospital facility on the campus to extend medical care for the sick and for birthing.

When treating people we always want to treat holistically. This means the physical, spiritual and mental part of the person, which includes the vital areas of pastoral care. We want to have this area available for people to receive spiritual and mental help within the clinic facility.

This is a long term ministry with long term goals in which we are trusting in our heavenly Father with every step.

